Available December 1st! Taking pre orders now, contact the shop to reserve one today. 15.00 plus shipping if needed. Call 603-672-5619 or email Zach@chopshopcycles.com
We will be open all week except for Thursday. Please come in and support local business by buying a gift card for the holidays. 10% off all cards sold this week! Also we are getting in the new shirts by the end of the month if you want one come in this week and pre buy on and we can ship it to you or you can pick it up when they come in. If you need something for your bike or for that special someone in your life order it here! 15% off most special orders this weekend also. These savings are a great way to start the holiday season right and you are supporting local business!
Think of doing a winter project and need the chassis set up or frame hardtailed contact us. Not local no big deal we can have your frame shipped to us and back to you usually with in 3 week!
It has been a while with all the crazy stuff going on but we are back on track and here is Novembers Monthly special. 15% off all Bikertronics and HogTunes when installed at the shop!
Call the shop to book it today! 603-672-5619 Free pick up and delivery withing a 10 mile radius!
Don't forget winter storage is available, also great deals on winter work! Don't wait call today. 603-672-5619 Heated winter storage with spring service $300.00 10% off all labor 10% off most parts all winter long! Spend $1000.00 get half off storage Spend $2000.00 get storage free!